My Miaow-nifesto

Sonu Singh stood last time too, and didn’t get in… imagine the world we would be living in now, if you had voted for him… Think again before you place that cross…

Vote for me!


Your Purrrfect Candidate!

Election fever has hit Catland too, as Sonu Singh decides to stand for Purrrime Miaow-nister!

I promise to provide scratchy posts at every corner, treats in all places, and high places to climb!

But I Smile Anyway...

#ThrowbackThursday – May the 4th…

…be with you!


Oh he was a stroppy Super Model this time!!! The demands!


Really, mummy??!


Don’t you know I don’t get up and pose for less than 3 treats nowadays!?!


I don’t have much choice… Do I…?


Storm Trooper? I’ll do it if they change to Sonu Troopers!

But I Smile Anyway...

Happy National Cat Day!


I didn’t know it was National Cat Day until I read a few posts today!
Aw Sonu Singh, you have a special day just for you and your lil feline friends!
You have blessed us with your cuddly presence, from the days of your blue eyed kitten-hood…


through your funny sleeps…


Bottoms up!


Yoga Stretch!

and allowing me to dress you up something silly too!


Lion King

Your huge brown soulful eyes speak a thousand words…


…though your miaows tend to mean one thing… FOOD!!!
We love you, you lil fluffy ball of wonder!
Have a wonderful day!

But I Smile Anyway...

Study Pals


Sitting here, knowing I have to go back to school on Monday, and that I still have course reading to do…
It’s always good to have company!

But I Smile Anyway...

Who me?


Someone’s on the wrong bed AGAIN!!!!


Who me? You talking to me mummy???


Nope. I can’t see you, I can’t hear you… La la la la la… My bed!!!

But I Smile Anyway...

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