Summer Writing Plans!

If you have been reading my blog you will have heard me mention that I am going to attempt to get more writing done on my Teenage WIP this holiday.

Life is never so easy though.

When I made these little promises to myself, you know August being a mini RiNoWriMo (Ritu’s Novel Writing Month!), I didn’t know that the family was about to throw six thousand functions at us too!

(Ok, six thousand is a bit of an exaggeration but still, you get my drift?)

So, four weddings, consisting of at least eight functions, a couple of prayers at the temple, along with play dates with the kids friends, and of course, working out when I can spend a week with my parents means that this particular idea is not really going to work as I had hoped!

But I am still determined to do something.


Last night, I dug out the printed version of what I have done so far, and my original notebook with my story plans sketched out. I have post it notes ready, and I thought why not use one of the lovely gifts from my class (a diary) to keep track of when I can write, and how much I manage!

So, I have to admit to myself, that it may not be a completed first draft by the end of my summer holidays, but it should be a much more beefed up version!

As soon as Hubby Dearest leaves for work, I should get on my PC or sit with my notes, and try and use that peaceful time when the kids are asleep, to progress further…

Well, that’s the plan, anyway!

Wish me luck, and keep pushing me Peeps! I need you to make me carry on!

My interactive peeps!