Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 294 – Hang On


“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Gotta say, Spidey, you hit the nail on the head with this one, this week!

Ever had that feeling that you are literally at the end of your tether, and one more thing will just cause you to totally lose it?

I, personally, have been feeling like that the last few weeks. So much going on, at work and in my personal life, at home, that I waas beginning to feel like that camel, anxious about the last straw that was going to break my back.

What with the home ‘improvements’, errant builders and decorators all vying for attention, or disappearing before finishing things, or trying to get more money out of us because they misquoted, Hubby Dearest has been on edge. This, in turn, affects me, as he is trying to work from home, as well as trying to manage these issues, and when I get home, he has a list of complaints, moans aand worries, and the worst thing is I, physically, can’t do anything, unless I jack my job in.

Then we have my job.

I am loving the new challenge of being the Phase Leader, and I think I’m doing okay… but the stress of a mamagement role, and especially any role in leadership, during the pandemic, in a school, is TOUGH! It’s not as tough for me as it is for the Head, but still, there is a huge responsibility upon our shoulders, and this first term has been a killer eight weeks long.

We’ve all been slowly crawling to this week, where we finally get a week off, but the world didn’t want us to have it too easy, throwing four cases of COVID-19 into the mix at school, in the last two days. (Thankfully, not in my bubble, but still…)

Then dealing with an extremely close family member getting a diagnosis that no one wants to hear, and being helpless, being in a different country, and unable to be there, or to be with the people in this country, who need support, due to this danged Pandemic…

And, to top it off, a teenager causing grief for his grandmother… and needing to act as a mediator…

Tether? End? Yup. I’m there.

But, I’ve tied that knot, so to speak and held on, and finally am in the week of holidays. I’m not sure quite how restful it will be, what with estate agents due to come to arrange valuations, etc, but I’m planning on resting, as much as I can, reading, clearing out more junk, so whenever we do move, there is less to manoever, and hopefully, writing!

So… tell me, how easy do you find it, to ‘hang on’?

Have a peaceful Sunday Peeps.  And enjoy your week!  

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 108


“Hey, Soul; Your only support is the Naam, the Name of the Lord.” Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Carrying on from last week, I felt a spiritual pull towards this Shabad, or hymn that is sung by an amazing artist, Manika Kaur. I have tried to find the lyrics and translation for you too. Her voice is amazing.


mwgnw mwgnu nIkw hir jsu gur qy mwgnw ]4]
maaganaa maagan neekaa har jas gur thae maaganaa ||4||
Begging, begging – it is noble to beg for the Lord’s Praise from the Guru. ||4||

cwdnw cwdnu AWgin pRB jIau AMqir cwdnw ]1]
chaadhanaa chaadhan aaa(n)gan prabh jeeo a(n)thar chaadhanaa ||1||
Moonlight, moonlight – in the courtyard of the mind, let the moonlight of God shine down. ||1||

AwrwDnw ArwDnu nIkw hir hir nwmu ArwDnw ]2]
aaraadhhanaa araadhhan neekaa har har naam araadhhanaa ||2||
Meditation, meditation – sublime is meditation on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||

mwgnw mwgnu nIkw hir jsu gur qy mwgnw ]4]
maaganaa maagan neekaa har jas gur thae maaganaa ||4||
Begging, begging – it is noble to beg for the Lord’s Praise from the Guru. ||4||

iqAwgnw iqAwgnu nIkw kwmu k�oDu loBu iqAwgnw ]3]
thiaaganaa thiaagan neekaa kaam krodhh lobh thiaaganaa ||3||
Renunciation, renunciation – noble is the renunciation of sexual desire, anger and greed. ||3||

mwgnw mwgnu nIkw hir jsu gur qy mwgnw ]4]
maaganaa maagan neekaa har jas gur thae maaganaa ||4||
Begging, begging – it is noble to beg for the Lord’s Praise from the Guru. ||4||

jwgnw jwgnu nIkw hir kIrqn mih jwgnw ]5]
jaaganaa jaagan neekaa har keerathan mehi jaaganaa ||5||
Vigils, vigils – sublime is the vigil spent singing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises. ||5||

lwgnw lwgnu nIkw gur crxI mnu lwgnw ]6]
laaganaa laagan neekaa gur charanee man laaganaa ||6||
Attachment, attachment – sublime is the attachment of the mind to the Guru’s Feet. ||6||

mwgnw mwgnu nIkw hir jsu gur qy mwgnw ]4]
maaganaa maagan neekaa har jas gur thae maaganaa ||4||
Begging, begging – it is noble to beg for the Lord’s Praise from the Guru. ||4||

ieh ibiD iqsih prwpqy jw kY msqik Bwgnw ]7]
eih bidhh thisehi paraapathae jaa kai masathak bhaaganaa ||7||
He alone is blessed with this way of life, upon whose forehead such destiny is recorded. ||7||

khu nwnk iqsu sBu ikCu nIkw jo pRB kI srnwgnw ]8]1]4]
kahu naanak this sabh kishh neekaa jo prabh kee saranaaganaa ||8||1||4||
Says Nanak, everything is sublime and noble, for one who enters the Sanctuary of God. ||8||1||4||

mwgnw mwgnu nIkw hir jsu gur qy mwgnw ]4]
maaganaa maagan neekaa har jas gur thae maaganaa ||4||
Begging, begging – it is noble to beg for the Lord’s Praise from the Guru. ||4||

Have a blessed Sunday Peeps!

Spider #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan. 1st/17

I have decided to attempt Linda’s Just Jot It January Challenge (#JusJoJan) this year. Whether I’ll be able to post daily is another matter, but I shall try!

The Just Jot It January 1st prompt, brought to you by Barb of ghostmmnc, is: “Spider.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Barb as well! Here’s her blog: https://teleportingweena.wordpress.com/ .


On this first day of the new year
It is common to have no fear
To weave a spider’s web of dreams
Of targets that you wish to achieve
To brush those old cobwebs away
And allow new ones to make their way
Give yourself a fighting chance
Choose wisely, skills you wish to enhance
Small steps are better than none
Learn to walk before you run
The spider starts with just one strand
Before creating something grand

Ritu 2017


Help! Spider Experts!

Found A BIG BOTTOMED SPIDER in the garden today… Never seen it before… Is it one to worry about!??!!


And to show the size, near my hand…


Any experts out there?!!

But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!