#SoCS April 30/16 – Zoo

Linda’s SoCS prompt for this week…

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “zoo.”  Use the word zoo, or find a word that contains it. Have fun!


Zoo – I’ve visited many zoos in my life, from when I was younger, ’til date when instead of being taken, I am the one doing the taking, alongside Hubby Dearest!

I have always enjoyed the experience of being able to get so close to these magnificent creatures, who we would undebatably never encounter in our usual humdrum existences.

But is it fair? Allowing them to be sat in these cages, for all to stare at?

Admittedly, the cages are not so small anymore, the enclosures are usually huge, and there is much for these animals to do, but still…

When the children were younger, we took them to London Zoo.  They loved it! Then Lil Man decided it was time to give Mummy and Daddy a heart attack!

We had passed many big beasts and had watched as a Llama had a wee ( Lil Man’s highlight of the day!) and walked through the petting zoo area, where your usual farm animals were kept. It’s a relatively quiet area, as most people come there for the large animals, not goats and chickens, and such like. As we walked away, I was suddenly aware that my son, Lil Man was not by my side! Frantically we searched everywhere around us and retraced our steps. It’s amazing how long 5 minutes can feel like when you’re searching…

We found him… gazing longingly at a chocolate vending machine! Thank Goodness he was ok, but still, that is one memory I always associate with Zoos.

Zoolander – can you believe I only watched this a couple of months ago for the FIRST TIME! Now I finally understand what Blue Steel is all about! LOL! Hopefully, I watch the sequel in a more timely fashion!

There you go, ZOO!

Have a great Saturday Peeps!


24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. dalecooper57
    May 04, 2016 @ 11:24:51

    I refuse to support zoos, so I guess Audrey will have to depend on the school taking her to one of the open air zoological parks on Exmoor. I fail to see the need for captive animals nowadays, especially as the ones that attract the most visitors are the ones which are most endangered. I don’t have a problem with the farmyard petting zoos though, and she does love to feed the lambs and watch the sheepdog trials.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Judy Martin
    Apr 30, 2016 @ 17:23:28

    I haven’t been to the zoo for years. Miss Hap has never been interested in seeing the animals! We have taken her but she was looking out for other things to do! 🙂

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  3. New Journey
    Apr 30, 2016 @ 15:32:09

    I was young, probably before I was 16, and my sister took me to the Seattle Zoo, it was a fun day, I spent most of it at the giraffe enclosure…the zoo keeper noticed me hanging out there for hours…he invited me back to see the giraffes up close and personal…it was very special, he let me help hand feed them….it was something I will always remember….I was able to stand beside one of them and pet it and to get that close was a once in a lifetime chance for me….just happen to be in the right place at the right time…I so happy that the zoo’s have made the habitats so much bigger…..I remember when they were just little squares made of cement….have a good weekend…akt

    Liked by 1 person


  4. LindaGHill
    Apr 30, 2016 @ 15:01:25

    There is no feeling worse for a mom than losing her child!! Glad you found him again, and that you had an otherwise good day at the zoo. 😀

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  5. fairytaleofasimplegirl
    Apr 30, 2016 @ 14:03:38

    I have read about zoos in children ‘books,essays or sometimes in newspapers but urs is the most delicate description of a zoo I have ever came across. ..loved it

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Erika Kind
    Apr 30, 2016 @ 11:34:07

    Our kids, the dreamers…. definitely panic moments. When my daughter was not even three we were invited at friends at a foreign place. She played with their daughter. All of a sudden that girl rushed back… without Vanessa. We did not realize that they were somewhere completely different. When we did, she wasn’t there anymore. Now the search began because she tried to find her way back on her own meanwhile….. we spread in different directions and searched for about 10 minutes (but all together it was at least 20 minutes). Then I saw here far away on the horizon walking on a street that leads further and further away. She was was doing so good. Stepped aside when a car came – as we always practiced. Thank God she did not walk towards the busy street. You can imagine how relieved I was when I held her in my arms again….! Definitely unforgettable moments when I think of those people or that area!

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Chris White
    Apr 30, 2016 @ 10:05:40

    I guess we live in the human zoo.

    Liked by 1 person


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