#SoCS Sept. 11, 2021 – Where – 9/11

Today’s SoCS prompt from Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “where.” Use it any way you’d like!

It’s inevitable, today, isn’t it, to think back to that day, twenty years ago?

A day that is burned into the memory of all those who were around at that time.

I just sepnt time telling my thirteen year old daughter about it all.

Where was I?

I remember being unwell, and had called in sick at the bank I was working in, at the time.

Laying in bed feeling sorry for myself, I was dozing, when Pops rushed into my room. “Quick! Switch on your TV to the news!”

As the screen turned on, all I saw were repeated video clips of an airplane flying into a building. Reading the scrolling headlines at the bottom, I came to know that something had happened in New York. One of the Twin Towers had been hit.

Was it an accident? Or…?

As the speculation spread, we were watching, live, as the second plane struck.

Horrified, we didn’t konw what to think.

Then I remembered that one of my friends had been visiting New York, and was planning on going up to the roof of the Towers. In fact she had been the day bofore and mere hours before the attack, had posted photos of herself and her friends, up there.

Was she okay? Was everyone okay?

The news continued to get worse, with the Pentagon attack, and a fourth plane crashed, after brave passengers fought the hijackers. That one was believed to have been headed for the White House.

Panic spread across the world, not just the US.

The began to mention Canary Wharf in the UK, in London. That’s where Hubby Dearest worked at that time. We were counting down the two months until our wedding, at that time.

I was frantically calling him, to make sure he was okay.

There were reports of suicide bombers in the area, but they were unfounded.

Thankfully, he was safe.

Unlike so many others in the US. Almost three thousand lives lost.

Terrorism is a horrible thing. It achieves nothing for the masses, just breeds fear and hatred, instead.

I wish we could say that the world learned from this awful incident, but sadly, it hasn’t.

We are still surrounded by situations, across the world, where terrorists reign, in some areas. People are living in fear of their lives.

Sitting here, remembering everything, my stomach still churns at the memories…

That’s where I was, twenty years ago…

#SoCS Aug. 21, 2021 – Ode

Linda’s treat for us this week for #SoCS:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ode.” Find a one- or two-syllable word that rhymes with “ode,” or use the word “ode.” Have fun!

Rather than faff around, I shall just write an ode, shall I?

On a topic rather dear to my heart, at this precise moment!

An Ode To Cricket

There once was a time when cricket
Was something that bored me to tears
Who'd have guessed it would become more appealling
As I advanced in my years?

In my teens, a game lasting a day
Seemed an incredible waste of my time
I'd rather be out shopping, or reading
More important things to do in my prime

Yet now, you will find me transfixed
Either at the ground or on screen
As I cheer on my bro from the sofa
Or the sideline, as I watch my teen

Each bowl balled, keeps me transfixed
Each run scored makes me cheer
When they get a wicket I'm grinning
If they get out, I sneer

I'm learning the lingo real fast
5 for 8 off 5 *
Tapping scores into my WhatsApp
To keep family updated, live

Oh, Cricket, you've wormed your way in
Look, how far you've come
I'm not a cricket widow
I'm quite proudly, a cricket sister and mum!

Ritu 2021

And there you have it, a little (SoCS) ode to cricket.

Today, I wasn’t watching the match from the sidelines, but my brother is playing for Finland, in a proper international T20I tournament, and I watched both matches live on YouTube, and they won both against Sweden, so, Yay! to the Finnish Bears! Another two matches tomorrow.

And Lil Man? Well, he was playing for the Mens 4th team, and with the win they secured today, their team has topped their league for this season!

I’m an extremely proud Sister and Mother, right now!

The season is still not over, yet, for my son. Maybe three weeks to go, but, however tiring it has been for me to ferry him to and fro, over the last few months, it’s worth it, to see him progress.

*5 for 8 off 5 – that was Lil Man’s best bowling score this season, and, unless anything changes over the next couple of weeks, it has him at the top of the bowling performances leader board across the club! It means he bowled five overs, and got five wickets, giving away only eight runs. Pretty good for my little Lefty Spin bowler!

#SoCS Aug. 14, 2021 – Luck

Linda’s #SoCS prompt, this week:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “luck.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

I might be tired, unable to lose weight consistently, stressing over unbought furniture, worrying about the academic year ahead, concerned about what the future holds for my kids, fed up of the mess Hubby Dearest leaves the bathroom in…


Then I realise that I am lucky.

I’m tired but I am busy, with things to do, and people to see, because I have people around me who want to be with me.

I’m unable to lose weight, but that means I have food on the table.

I’m stressing over furniture, but that means I have a roof over my head.

I’m worrying about next year at school, but I have a job.

I worry about the kids futures, but,hey, at least I have my children to worry about.

I get fed up of the mess, but at least I have a loving Hubby whose mess production I wouldn’t live without because I love him, too.

We may not have everything we want, but we should count ourselves as lucky, becayse we have enough.

#SoCS August 7, 2021 – Wee

Hello Peeps! It’s been a long while, but I thought i’d get back on the SoCS horse, so to speak, since I am on summer break!

Linda’s prompt this week:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness SaYour Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wee.” Use the word “wee” or find a word that contains it and use it in your post. Have fun!

Oh, Linda, what a great word ‘wee‘ is, all in itself! I don’t really need to look for another, to be honest!

As a teacher, there will always be the toilet stories, and with me as an Early Years teacher, there are plenty.

We’ve dealt with little accidents, where a mis-aim has dampened clothes, to full on flooding (I mean, seriously where do these children hold in so much wee? They are tiny, so should their bladders be, yet when they go, oh, my, it’s like a waterfall!)

There’s the sneaky ones, where they are too shy to ask, and they calmly get up and go, leaving a telltale puddle on a seat, or worse, a wet patch on the carpet! I’ve even seen children so engrossed in their play that they don’t even notice the stream tricking down their legs, until they are saturated, and then, embarrased…

But, you kinda understand. They are little, they are still learning about control. By a few months into the new school year, most children are more aware of the expectation of toilet etiquette in school…

And, joy, in September, I’ll be presented with a new cohort, with not a clue, and so the prospect of more wee incidents… Great!

#SoCS July 31, 2021 – Last Click

Hello Peeps! It’s been a long while, but I thought i’d get back on the SoCS horse, so to speak, since I am on summer break!

Linda’s prompt this week:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last photo you took.” Take the last photo you snapped. What’s the first word that comes to mind when you look at it? That word is your prompt. Enjoy!

This is the last picture I took, on my phone, and the word that came to mind was ‘Finally!

Above, you see a large grin on my face, as I stand outside our new house with my parents, Pops and Mum, as they finally got to come over to see the house, and finally, I got to see them after nearly a year, due to the pandemic,lockdown, and restrictions!

I’m sure you can imagine the tight hugs, taht have been exchanged many times, the tears of joy at finally being together, and the sheer amount of lovely food that has been consumed, as Mum goes into feed my family overdrive

Gosh, I missed that 🙂

Right, I’m off, again, to go and sit with them, and chat, since they go back tomorrow. What a blissful few days.

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