Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 184 – The End… or is it?



“All good things must come to an end.”

Geoffrey Chaucer

Thanks, Spidey.

Indeed, things are wrapping up for us here now.

I go back to school in teacher mode on Thursday. Where did the holidays go?!

An emergency 10 days in Birmingham with Pops, which was a blessing too, as we had even more bonding time, 2 weeks of keeping the kids occupied, buying school uniforms and discovering the joys of the Wish shopping app (It’s great! Have you tried it?), and then a week away with my family.

And now it’s the last weekend, a long one, as it’s a bank holiday too, (got to name the uniforms!) then two days of tying up loose ends and then back to the grindstone.

But I’m happy.

Because though the holiday will be coming to an end, there will be the challenges of a new academic year, in a newly academised school, new young children and minds to fill with the wonders of the world of learning!

And Lil Man starts his journey to GCSE, whilst Lil Princess will be in her last year of primary too.

It’s a big year, bring it on!

Tell me, what new beginnings are you looking forward to? 😘

Have a peaceful Sunday Peeps ❤ And enjoy your week!

My interactive peeps!