August 23- Flash Fiction – Magic

Charli’s prompt this week:

August 23, 2018, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes magic. It can be a supernatural force, a moment or idea, or use it as a verb. Go where the prompt leads.

Sleight Fright

“Think of a name.”
Deanna held her chosen name tightly in her mind and nodded.
“Think of an object related to that name.”
She self-consciously touched her wrist, where her watch was.
Except it wasn’t there.
Where was it? It was the only thing she had left of him.
“I believe you were thinking of Peter, and his black diver’s watch, am I right?”
The magician held out a watch.
Sleight of hand or magic, she didn’t know, but Deanna didn’t wait to find out. She rushed to the front, snatched the watch and rushed out of the building.

#WritePhoto – Magic

Sue’s #WritePhoto Prompt this week:

I thought I’d continue the adventures of Barbie and Ken! Will he ever learn???

“This, Babe,” Barbie turned towards Ken,” this, is just perfect!”
She looked around the winter wonderland surrounding her and sighed.
She had dreamed of a white Christmas for so long, and finally, Ken had got something right.
A surprise truly worth having!
Looks like the magic of Christmas had worked for Ken!
“No no no no no!”
He turned to see Barbie manically crunching around in the snow, phone held aloft.
“There’s no signal Babe! No WiFi either! How am I gonna get my selfies posted now? I told you we should have just booked to go to the Winter Wonderland in London!”
Ken rolled his eyes… It had been too good to be true… no matter how he tried, he never got it right!


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