Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 170 – Happiness in Learning😊


“I never lose – either I win or I learn.


Thanks, Spidey!

So, the Annual Bloggers Bash was yesterday, and I was all geared up for my talk, and the Panel Discussion. There was the small case of being nominated for the Best Overall Blogger to look forward to too, but I didn’t let that worry me.

The talk went well, the Panel Discussion passed in a flash, and then the final awards were called.

This time I was awarded Runner Up in the category I had been nominated in.

I was so pleased to be able to ‘pass my crown’ onto the next deserving winner, Linda, of Linda’s Book Bag.

Because, despite all the glory that came with the award last year, I also managed to put myself under immense pressure to be “The Best”.

And that wasn’t easy.

Instead, I have learned that being nominated is an honour, to be placed is a blessing, and to be part of the event is just sheer joy!

So, what do I take from this?

I shan’t pressure myself to be constantly ‘on’.

I will take a step back, breathe, enjoy life, not go AWOL, but not worry if I miss a challenge post, or if a week goes by and I haven’t posted something original. If I can’t reach you all on my reader, I know you’ll understand.

Superwoman needs a break too, sometimes!

And I know I’m still a winner in some eyes. ❤


Keep living and learning Peeps!

Happy Sunday!

My interactive peeps!