Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 232 –


“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.”

Lilo & Stitch

Thanks Spidey for reminding me of that Lilo and Stitch quote.

I used to have a talking Stitch toy (yes, I admit it was before I had kids, and I was an adult, but then, I am a Disney fan, so it was mine!) and it would say a few different phrases from the film, in response to you saying things to it, and the above quote was said a lot.

I was reminded of the quote yesterday, after attending a family function back home in Brum.

Some folk I met there are family members who I hadn’t seen for five years or longer. It’s an unfortunate situation, but I live a bit further out than most, and when there are gatherings, they tend to be in the term time, and on a day where I just cannot get there in time, or if I arrived, I’d have to leave pretty much straight away, to get home at a decent time.

But instead of silly comments, or moods, I was welcomed back into the fold with open arms. Some asking about my writing, as they follow my progress on Social Media; some wanting to know how Hubby Dearest was; some jsut wanting to catch up.

It was a great feeling.

One of my aunts said “Tu toh Eid ka chand hi niklai.” It is a saying to describe someone who is rarely seen, and much anticipated, as during the month of Ramadan, and at Eid, Muslims wait, eagerly for the moon (chand) to show, before breaking fasts or starting celebrations.

That made me feel special, but also highlighted to me how little I get to see my extended family. Some of these folk, I saw weekly, growing up, and now it is after years that we meet.

I miss seeing my extended family a lot. They are a huge part of my upbringing, and my memories.

But at least I know I’m not forgotten… and I’ll never forget them either!

So… tell me, which member of your extended family do you have special connections with, and will never forget?

24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Rachael Stray | https://rachaelstray.com/
    Aug 13, 2019 @ 05:05:52

    It’s tough when you don’t get to see family as much as you’d like. I think that’s one of the harder aspects of being an adult and something you massively take for granted when you’re younger. It’s wonderful when you do get together though even if it is after years.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. willowdot21
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 22:51:39

    I miss my sister Mary who died 2015, I still want to ring her. I miss my Aunty George absolutely no relation but she was my mum’s best friend and when my mother was ill I would stay with her.
    I also miss my brother in law John lost to dimenture we used to laugh so much I miss him 💜 💜💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  3. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 19:05:30

    I’ll do the spoiler again.;-) Here in Germany, rather in Bavaria, it is such a problem with me. After I had broken with the Roman Catholic Church – I wanted to become a canon lawyer, but i wasn’t allowed. Otherwise a German could not have become Pope because of my work enlightening the absue cases.- i became the black sheep, with around over 98 percent of relatives, all dependent on the Church. Depending also on the fact that many grandparents of them did things during the Nazi era that are supposed to be kept secret. I could not and cannot tolerate this. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  4. syl65
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 17:22:40

    When I was growing up the majority of my family lived together and we were very close. I in my teens traveling to Ohio to with my grandpa to visit my cousins. After my grandparents passed away with a few years of each other my family seemed to drifted apart, except for my immediate family. Recently over the years,my mom now lives in Minnesota because she cannot travel like before and after my brother passed away, it is now my sister and one of my nieces that I see most when possible. Despite the distance we hold those who are very dear to us deep in our hearts and cherish time we can have them.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Mary Smith
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 13:04:33

    I have cousins in Canada who I only met last year for the first time and now two of them are coming to Scotland this year which will be brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. writingtruelove
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 12:33:31

    I enjoy my mother’s family reunion every year in February. My husband and I make South Georgia (USA) a stop on our way to Florida each winter. Of the 12 children in my mother’s family, only one uncle remains. We celebrate his birthday each year. Driving the distance is well worth the benefit of connecting with cousins I used to see every few days. Yes, they are glad to see me. I can hardly enjoy all the delicious southern foods while for chatting and reconnecting. Thanks for the reminder of how special reunions can be.

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Erika Kind
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 11:06:12

    I think the older we get the more we understand the meaning and value of family. But however far apart we are and whether it is physical or family by heart (close friends), the distance may keep us from seeing each other but the connection is there forever. My sisters moved back to Vienna and most of all the one who I feel closer to I see only once in a while. But who I really miss meeting is my brother of choice, my best friend since childhood days. We are best friends for almost 40 years. He moved to California and the last time I saw him is 4 years ago.

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  8. masgautsen
    Aug 11, 2019 @ 09:25:39

    Family is really something special. I am lucky to have most of mine quite close, but I have a cousin that lives far away and I got to visit this summer and it was amazing

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