One-Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Season Switch

And I thought it was AUGUST, not AUTUMN!

This is what happens when it is really hot here… leaves dry up and fall off our trees, then we need to get raking, rather like the autumnal months… missing the lush greens of Britain… Can’t believe we’ve had wildfires due to the dryness and heat!

For Linda’s #1LinerWeds Challenge.


The Autumn Tag


Another day, another tag!

Thank you to Rachael of the blog Rachael’s Thoughts for thinking of me for the Autumn Tag! I know it’s late – winter is fully upon us, but hey, where there’s a tag, there’s a way!

There were no rules as such, but some autumnal questions to answer so I thought, what the heck! I may as well, and I will leave this as an open tag for anyone to join!

What signifies autumn to you?
Autumn for me starts when the leaves start to change colour on the trees. When the evenings start to draw in and you feel the need to wear cosy jumpers!

What is the best way to spend a rainy day?
Definitely, the best way to spend a rainy day for me would be with my snuggly robe on, sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea and a good book!

What is your most fond autumn memory?
Taking my children out in the park with areas full of fallen leaves, and watching them kicking the leaves about, and enjoying every moment!

What is your favourite autumn scent?
I’m not sure what scent I would consider as autumnal, but as you get to the end of autumn, and winter is starting to move in, the seasonal scents, like cinnamon, are extremely pleasurable!

What are you most excited about this autumn?
Autumn has been and gone for us this year, but to be honest, as a teacher I look forward to the October holidays the most!!!

What is your favourite autumn song?

I don’t have a favourite autumn song but can I count November Rain by Guns n Roses?

What is your favourite autumn film?
When Harry Met Sally! Lots of autumnal walks, and can you believe that I only watched this a couple of years ago for the first time!?!

What TV show are you looking forward to this autumn?

I’m not a great TV watcher so I have to say I’m not too fussed about any particular shows! But then again, this year I was a bit obsessed with th UK X-Factor, and was so excited that my favourites won!!!

What is your favourite autumn colour?
Autumnal colours as a whole are my favourite shades!!! I love the whole browns and caramels, and copper jewellery.

What is your most-loved outdoor autumn activity?
I don’t do outdoor! But at a push, walks in the parks are passable!

What is your favourite autumn fashion trend?
Layering up different autumnal shades, when I get a chance to get out of teacher clothes. I used to have a fav chocolat brown furry hat…!

Name one place you wish you could visit during autumn?
I have to say that isn’t something I have ever thought about, but I’d love to, given a chance, visit my sister in law’s summer house by the lakes in Finland! The scenery looks so beautiful from all the photos I have seen, it would be spectacular with all the beautiful autumnal colours!

What is your favourite photo you took last autumn?

When Sonu Sing Met my lil niece!!!! A wonderful sunny yet cool autumnal day surrounded by my favourite people!


What are you being this Halloween?
I don’t really do dressing up for Halloween, but this year we had a school disco so I was a black cat!

And as I said, if you fancy answering some questions, please, go ahead!!!

Dark Mornings

As Autumn bows her weary head
Over her shoulder does Winter peek
Dark mornings call for you to lay in bed
The day outside looks bleak

The children fight to open their eyes
Surely it’s the middle of the night?
Households filled with cries and whys
Sleep won’t give up the fight

But don’t fret, it wont be long
Until our clocks fall back
And your alarm won’t feel like a gong
Bodies won’t be out of whack

Ritu 2017

Written for all those currently struggling to rouse their kids as the dark mornings are so deceptive… and they cause chaos with morning routines!!!

One Liner Poetry Challenge – Autumn Waffles

Ooh! You know how much I love a challenge, and Syl has passed the poetic baton on to me today! I feel honoured, as he is amazing with words! 

Now this challenge created by my big blog brother Rich is all about adding a line to a poem collaboratively written by us bloggers, great idea right!
Now to the rules for this challenge:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back.

2.Link back to me Waffles.

3. Write one line in the poem. If 4 lines have been reached before you then start a new stanza

4. If you are the 17th line no need to nominate just send it back to me Waffles with a title for the next one.
Autumnal hues herald dawn’s amber glow.
Nature paints in colorful flow.
Everything’s pumpkin from pop tarts to chips.
There’s even a seasonal orange pumpkin dip.
Now a crestfallen suns rich corpse spawns a great feast.
The aroma from scented candles tantalize the palette.
Eerie glows emanate from window sills.
And I nominate Jane Dougherty to continue this beautiful collection of words 🎃😊

My interactive peeps!