Chai And A Chat #28 #ChaiAndAChat

Hey there Peeps! Time for our weekly catch up!

  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you – The IN-LAWS are back!!! They arrived on Wednesday night, late and were very tired but glad to be home, and we were glad to have them back too!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that I have truly embraced the Spring holidays, as should everyone. On Monday, Tuesday and most of Wednesday, I did nothing apart from read! I think I got thought around 6-7 books ! Of course I didn’t totally neglect my family. I took the kids out briefly, fed them, did a bit of housework and laundry, but the rest of the time, I was either in bed or on my sofa, with a cuppa and my Kindle! What bliss! And the plan is to continue reading more until the end of the break!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d say that I have started to be a bit more active on Twitter as part of the #Writing Community and I think I had as close as I will ever get to a viral tweet… in that there was loads of interaction!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d mention that we had to take Sonu Singh to the vet for his annual vaccinations and check up, and it was reported that he is getting rather big… as in heavy. Now, Sonu is a house cat so his natural exercise is not as much as an outdoor cat. I limit his food intake, but there are some who like to sneak him treats… because he asks for them (big softie, my Hubby Dearest!) but this time he put on, in six months, the equivelant of two stone in a human, so something’s gotta give… reduction of food, and being hard to the constant miaows… not easy when we are on break and he is just there, looking at you… And with Lil Man asking to give treats, as it looks like he must have already lost lots of weight in 3 days… just look at those eyes…
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d say that we decided to travel much lighter for our Center Parcs trip this weekend. I’m fed up of packing for every eventuality, and too much food, so we decided to wing it… Actually, as you read this, we are probably on our way home!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you there was a bit of traffic.. but we arrived safely, and though not sunny, it was dry. The Accomodation is fine, enough for us, with the kids getting their own rooms, but only one bathroom between all four of us… I’m sure we’ll cope!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you our lodge was in a beautiful spot and we have been able to really enjoy nature, with various birds, squirrels and even deer were on our patio, feeding on our birdseed! We have Street-Karted, played badminton, the kids have perfected their Pool game and enjoyed swimming too. And Me? Well, As I promised myself, I have read, read and read!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d have to add that as a last minute change, I would be doing the driving, as Hubby Dearest managed to possibly rip his Achilles Tendon whilst playing Badminton… That means I have to drive… his huge automatic car… and I’m scared!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that for the first time on a long while, we missed the Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan on Saturday. This is a religious parade that celebrates the Birth of the Khalsa in Sikhism. It is usually a great day filled with spirituality, commeraderie food and fun! My children used to be on the trailers at the back, playing their drums, but they have since grown up and are too big to do this apparently now, according to them!
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d tell you I might just have to pop into school to make sure we are all set for the first week back… but I might not!
  • If we were sipping that chai togetherand possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d mention that seeing as we missed the Vaisakhi parade here this year, we will be visiting the temple at some point this week to pay our respects.
  • If we were sipping that chai togetherand possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d say I am hoping to enjoy the last week of the break,a nd hopefully not eat too many chocolate eggs on Easter weekend!

Have a wonderful week, Peeps! Let me know how your week went!

#SoCS August 25/18 – Notice

Linda’s prompt for SoCS this week…

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is β€œnotice.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

We’ve just been on a little family break to Center Parcs, Woburn Forest, and it was wonderful!

Did you notice I’d been gone a little?

Plenty of activities (expensive, though!) to keep us all entertained.

It was small enough to not need bikes, but large enough that a good walk around would cause your legs to ache.

But amid all the physical activity and family fun, there was always going to be a need for technology.

Last time we went, to the Sherewood Forest one, the WiFi was noticeably absent, apart from the main activity centres. Though this was a little tough, it was good, as it meant that we were not constantly looking at phones, or on screens back at the lodge.

This time though, Center Parcs has upgraded, and WiFi is available everywhere, so the kids were very pleased, that they could stream things to watch via their phones and tablets, whilst mum ad dad watched boring things on the normal telly!

We arrived back yesterday, and Lil Man hesitantly told me he’d possibly left his glasses there.


I went through everything we had bought home, checked and rechecked empty bags and the car – no glasses.

And with school starting next week, this was not ideal.

I was so careful to look everywhere for left behind items too. Surely I would have noticed a green Specsavers case?

Called the resort today, and described the glasses and case. “Um, no madame, I was here yesterday and all morning today. Nothing has been handed in. We can do a security check on the lodge, but I can’t promise anything. I’ll call you back.”


Great. We were going to have to get to the opticians asap then, to order some more for him.

Then the phone rang.

“It looks like we do have your glasses here, actually. They had been clumped together with another set of items!”

The glasses are pretty distinctive, so I knew they would be his.

Thank God! They are being posted back to us.

One less pre-school expense!

Catch ya later Peeps! Happy Saturday!

Guess who’s home?!


Well hey there peeps!
I hope this little post finds you all well!
We are finally back from our little family break in Center Parcs, Sherwood Forest. A beautiful place, rainy for 2 days then sunny after.
Activities included Ariel Rope Course, Horse Riding , Golf, Badminton, Bowling, Katakanu-ing,nature walk,  teddy bear making, Pool, and of course,  swimming!!!
My legs ache from all the walking around.
We had encounters with lots of beautiful animals too… I shall post pics soon!
Our bank is empty from the extortionate prices of activities and good, but hearts and mind full of happiness, and great memories! πŸ™‚
Oh and phone camera bursting with pictures, capturing special moments!
It took us time to get home, but home we are, tired and sated!
Washing machine is on… First load anyway, unpacking done (ish) and all I want is my bed!
I apologize I was unable to read many posts, but I managed to catch up with my notifications along the way!
And Sonu Singh is so happy to have us home! He’s back where he belongs, in our bags!!


But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!