One Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Migraine

“When my head aches, at least I know I’m alive, because of the pain I feel…”

Ritu 2021

For Linda’s #1LinerWeds Challenge

One-Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Migraine

“All I want is blackness. Blackness and silence.” – Sylvia Plath

Can’t believe the Migraine Fairy hit again last night… It’s getting to be a regular occurrence…

Can’t be having this thing disrupting my holidays, or my writing time.

I’ve woken up with a migraine hangover now… that slight dull ache between the eyes, but I can function.

I’m off to the GP today to see if we can get a clue as to why I’m getting them so regularly all of a sudden…

Be gone you damned ache!



For Linda’s #1LinerWeds Challenge. (But a lot more than one line!!!)

Snowed Under…Not Literally! #MondayBlogs

OMG! I only wish it was real snow that was causing me stress! But if it had been, it wouldn’t be stress, I’d be celebrating a snow day!

SO much going on this week, and the next few, in the run up to Christmas!

I have observations at school, a Toy sale to co-ordinate with my colleague and School councillors, Governors meeting, progress grids to complete, and to top it off ( a nice thing!) a trip to the folks to see them!

This is on top of the usual two classes I teach and family life…

I was even at a course on SATURDAY!

I think the pressure of what is to come resulted in me being rather unwell yesterday with an epic migraine too…

But I am up as usual, and feeling better now!

I just needed sleep and time to recuperate my poor overworked brain!

Seriously Peeps, if you get to that stage, and you have a bad headache/migraine/cold, listen to your body and shut down for a while.

It is telling you that you need rest!

Now it hasn’t miraculously made all the issues go away, but I am rested enough that I can put things into perspective!

So, have  great Monday all! Off to tackle the first of the tasks!

My interactive peeps!