Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 162 – Spring Forward


β€œNo matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow.” – Anon


I didn’t want it, but I needed the reminder, especially for the clock changing. Thanks, Spidey!

And so, Spring is here in every form. The equinox has happened, so it is officially here, the clocks sprang forward, somewhat sneakily at 2am, and the weather outside has been pleasant enough to encourage the first daffodils to bloom!

The frogs were busy in my colleague’s garden, and frogspawn was laid too, so she brought it in for the Nursery class to watch.

We’ve had no luck with the frogspawn in recent years. They hatch then some swim for a bit and then we have nothing. Even more disappointing when some of the other classes even had froglets last year too from the same spawn, but different tank!

This year though, we have loads of teeny tadpoles already, swimming around and munching on their jelly at the moment. I’m expecting much larger swimmers when we get in on Monday morning!

And so Spring is upon us. (Until the forecast cold snap due to visit us again at EASTER!)

The darkness of Winter is being cast off, and we welcome the lighter evenings and steadily warmer days of Spring, where it is almost easier to be more positive.

Just like situations in life where that tunnel of darkness can swallow you up, it is important to know that there is an end, there will be light at the end.

Try and keep your hopes up if you are going through a ‘Winter’ season in life. Your ‘Spring’ will come soon enough too.

Who or what is your beacon, during times of darkness in life? What gets you through to the other side?

Stay positive πŸ™‚

Happy Sunday Peeps!

My interactive peeps!