5 Annoying Songs My Kids Keep Playing! #Parenting #FirstWorldProblems

Yes, I know.

A a youngster, there must have been plenty of tunes that my parents were driven crazy by as we repeatedly played them, but I swear to goodness, the ones the kids play now, are  pure rubbish, noise, not music or melody, and even shouting on occasion!

I am going to list five that they have played recently, ones that really get my goat, and I end up wanting to bury my head in the ground.

1 – The first is the latest one that Lil Princess has discovered. It is entitled Yodelling Kid and started out as a random video of a child yodelling in Walmart of all places. Since becoming infamous there have been countless remixes, and I am now faced with a yodelling kid of my own! Seriously annoying!

2 – The Yah Yah Yah Song… Listen to the lyrics… I’m sure you’ll get why it kills me…

3 – Dobre Brothers – You Know You Lit – I can’t explain how I want to shake the first singer, no expression… but it’s strangely addictive too… STOP LISTENING RITU! COME BACK TO US! It’s one of those so bad it’s good songs…

4 – KSI – Lamborghini – is this called Grime? One of Lil Man’s songs…
I just don’t get it….

and last but not least…

5 – Taco Song – The TEN HOUR version!  Yes seriously, my son, Lil Man thinks this is a great song to game to! TEN HOURS!

Apologies if you end up with some really BAD ear-worms because of me… but I have to suffer this daily. And they say Sharing is Caring, and you all know how caring I am!

Have you got any songs that really cause you to want to throw the music player out of the window?

My interactive peeps!