#SoCS Dec. 23/17 – Yule/You’ll/Yul

Linda’s prompt for SoCS this week…

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “yule/you’ll/Yul.” Start your post with one of them. Have fun!



Yule log.

Definitely a favourite pudding of mine during this festive period of Christmas!

Mind you, if there was a choice of stationing myself at the bar or the dessert station, you’ll find me near the sweet stuff, EVERY TIME!

I had a lovely yule log at my school staff Christmas party, accompanied by a mixed berry compote and ice CREAM – Yum!

We went to the shops today… the last Friday before Christmas, and it was manic, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you. The kids and I needed to venture into a food shop to pick up a few Christmas dinner essentials, like pigs in blankets, goose fat (best roast potatoes ever!) and dessert!

We ended up with a trifle, cheesecake and a profiterole tower… but no yule log! It appears my kids don’t share my love of a chocolatey swiss roll type thing!

Hmm… I’ll  bet Yul Brynner likes yule log!

(sorry, just had to slip that extra Yul in too!)

And with that, I’ll be off to take a child to a pre-Christmas birthday party… and get ready for my folks to arrive!

Happy Saturday Peeps!

My interactive peeps!