A Sister’s Wish #40 #brothersbirthday


Pulling one from the archives out.

My darling brother… another year older… wiser? I’m not so sure! But full of love!

Happy 40th birthday darling bro xxx

It’s my little brother’s birthday today. The first he’s celebrating as a daddy to two.
I can’t believe how fast time flies…
It only seems like yesterday that we hated each other and bickered and argued at every opportunity…
When that subtle change occurred, when “I hate you, I wish you had been a sister, not a brother” became “I love you and wouldn’t let anything in this world harm you” I don’t know, but it did, and honestly, I feel blessed to have a brother as loving and sensitive, and caring as you.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me, whether physically or emotionally, and thank you for giving me such an amazing bhabi, and my beautiful nephews.
I wish you the best birthday, and many, many more to come.

I wish you luck
I wish you love
I wish you blessings
Sent from above
I wish you happiness
I wish you joy
I wish you sloppy kisses
From your little boy
I wish you strength
I wish you all that I may
But most of all
I wish you happy birthday
Ritu 2015

But I Smile Anyway...

Of Brothers and Sisters #RakshaBandhan #HappyRahkri #SundayBlogShare


Today is a pretty special day for us Indian sisters, blessed with brothers, and vice versa.
Today is a day brothers and sisters celebrate their special bond.
Initially, a Hindu festival called Raksha Bandhan, it then became more widely celebrated around India, and in the North, the Punjab, where my family hail from, it’s known as Rakhri or Rakhriya.

Rakhri is a word which means to look after, and on this day, sisters tie a special thread on their brother’s wrist, and brothers pledge to always be there and look after their sisters. Something sweet is then the exchanged, and usually, the brother gives his sister a small token to show his love.

Way back when, before all this women’s lib and equal rights, it was a woman’s job to be at home, and basically all her life was dependant on the males, be it her father, or husband, and she didn’t have many rights, so it stood to reason, that she needed someone, her brother, to be there for her, through thick and thin.

Nowadays there are all sorts of different enjoyments, and jokes attached. You see, it’s not only your brother that you tie one on, but your cousin brothers too. And male friends who you consider to be like brothers. So, if you don’t want a certain guy to bother you, then you tie a Rakhi on him and declare him your brother! Also, the brothers of today get bankrupt! Gifts are elaborate, for the real sisters, and add on all those cousins, handing out £10 notes (or more sometimes!), a brothers pocket is soon empty! Kerching!!! For the sisters anyway!
The threads themselves can range from small, plain, tasteful, to great big tinselled lovelies!

I spent a couple of hours last week writing letters to my brother and cousins, and for my Lil Princess, to her cousins, sending rakhis (tasteful ones, obviously!) to the four corners of the world, and for some special people who I consider brother like, there will be messages sent tomorrow. It’s not about the gifts or money for me. It’s keeping the connection alive. Like those who say days like Valentine’s Day are contrived, and that you should love your partner every day, I guess this could be the sibling equivalent. But for me, it’s just a special day to make it known again, that I love my brother, and cousins, and as much as I love and appreciate their protection, I have their backs too, I will be there for them, come rain or shine.

This year, we may not be together, but our connection is just as strong. I know he will wear his rakhi with pride, and I also know that he is there for me always… Love you, my dear, dear brother!
And Lil Princess is so excited as her Rakhi has already winged its way over to her  Finjabi cousin brothers, one who is celebrating his first rakhi too!


I will be tying a Rakhi on my brother-in-law, and Lil Princess will be able to enact the whole ceremony properly with Lil Man. Love days like today, they have to be nice to each other !!!! I know it’s only a few more years then they will really appreciate the sibling bond, but until then, one day of peace will be lovely!!!!!

So, to all those who celebrate, Happy Rakhri! Happy Raksha Bandhan!

And especially to my brother, my cousin brothers, and my special brotherly friends!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

But I Smile Anyway...

Birthday Wishes For My Brother! 🎉🎊❤

Today is the day we are celebrating my brother’s birthday! Though he may be sat in a country different to mine, I will still be celebrating for him!

Miss being with him on his special day but he knows my thoughts and wishes are with him!


Sibling Love

Happy Birthday to my brother!!!!

Day 4 #Loveuary❤ – Sibling Love


It’s not always immediate, this sibling love.

I know that in mine and my brother’s case, we went through many ups and downs on our journey to become as close as we have.

I truly love my brother, I do.

But when we were growing up, it was a different story!

Boys were smelly, mean and nasty, and that brother of mine was no exception!

He was moody, and such a pain, always wanting whatever I had, running around the house like a loony, pretending to be a gun-wielding soldier and scaring me with creepy crawlies! (Seriously, one time he decided it would be hilarious to capture some daddy long legs in an empty cotton bud container, one with a see-through lid. He spent a whole evening chasing after me with it! Did I say I love my brother?!)

But on the flip side, when we were in any situation where either of us were threatened, we’d step up, and be there for each other! Once he was playing with some of our cousins, and I was sat in a room nearby. I heard him being picked on and the big sis blood in me began to boil. I stormed out and confronted these cousins of ours… (they were real tough nuts! Softies now, but pretty crazy as children!) I threatened to punch one of them in the mouth if he said anything to my brother. He tried me, and before I knew it there was a boy standing in front of me with blood pouring from his mouth! He ran in crying to his mum, who didn’t believe him at all! How could Ritu even do that? It was unbelievable! (Phew!)

Growing up, we became separated location wise, as he went to boarding school, and then I went to university, but that distance did make the heart grow fonder, and we became extremely close.  He would ask me advice on girlfriends, and I introduced him to my Hubby Dearest (then boyfriend!) before anyone else in the family!

Now he’s sat in another country, living his life with a beautiful wife and two-year-old son. We are still, so far away from one another, but our hearts are so close together.

Hell bent on causing you strife
But truly a support for life!


Remember, feel free to take part in #Loveuary! Just ping back to the daily post, as in this one for today! And if you are at a loss for a prompt, then visit my rules post here for a list of prompt suggestions!

Oh Brother!

One from the Archives

Some days, I sit here, wanting to tear my hair out, watching the little people squabble with each other. “Mummy!!!!! He changed the channel!” “Mummy! she touched my light sabers!” “Mummy!! He said a bad word!”( usually something REALLY bad, like… Stupid!) I often tell them I’ve changed my name, mummy isn’t here, sort it out yourselves. Many times I have screamed like a banshee (not that it works), and am on the point of pulling my hair out, when I remember…

*dream sequence/flashback*
Many years ago, it was my poor, long suffering mother in the same position, being the referee between my Darling Brother and I!

Oh my! The feelings were sometimes bordering on pure hatred between us, well, with the limited emotional experience at the tender ages of 6 and 9, this was as strong a hatred as we probably knew (for our sibling, oh and also for things like vegetables)!

The fighting over the best seat in the living room, the last chocolate… Actually, scrap that. Do you know what? Thinking back, I know that we had that all typical big sister/little brother relationship, full of petty squabbles, pushes and shoves, but I really can’t remember any one time that made my blood boil! Ask the 15 year old me that same question, and I’d probably have a list a mile long!

The things I remember, are how cute he actually was, even in anger! His obsession with being a policeman, carrying a toy gun everywhere. In fact we were at the airport, about to board a flight to visit family in Kenya and he sparked an alert! So said ‘toy’ gun got confiscated, and he never got it back!

And when my Big Sister love and protective instinct really kicked in! Those who know me, know I am a pretty chilled person, not argumentative, or confrontational at all, but one day, at a cousin’s house, I was chatting with my girl cousins and he was outside with the boyz. I overheard someone saying something to him, and honestly, I can’t remember what, but the feeling of ‘ how dare you say that to MY brother!’ kicked in. I rushed outside, and squared up to said cousin, and said “how dare you say…(whatever) to my brother?” And promptly punched him in the mouth! So now I can say, not with great pride, that I gave someone a bloody mouth with one punch! This lovely cousin and I reminisce and laugh over it now! He’s a dad of 2 now and so calm, and peaceful, but then, he was like a whirlwind, a Tasmanian Devil, always getting up to mischief!

My brother and I grew up, he went to boarding school, I was at home then went off to university. This was when our relationship really started to change. He started asking my opinion, and, sometimes, valuing my advice. And I realized that this little brother was not so little anymore. He sometimes even talked sense!!! Slowly my brother was becoming a young man. Interested in girls, going out with the lads, and he’d tell me about things going on in his life.

We started to share our little secrets with each other, and we weren’t judging one another, we were being each other’s support. And this has continued. He’s been living abroad for a while now. He travelled around after I got married, did things I didn’t get a chance to do… Lived in Dubai, met his would-be wife, and now is settled in Finland.

We don’t get to chat as often as I’d like, and seeing each other face to face… hardly! But, as I posted before, Skype is a great thing! I love him to bits, and my wonderful sister-in-law too. Wouldn’t change them for anything… However, if I could change anything, it would be their location! Nearer us, with my beautiful nephew would be great, but that’s not in my hands!

So thinking back to the start of this post, I know the monkeys are always at each others throats, at the moment, but if they have a relationship anything like me and my brother’s, it will be the most sacred, beautiful relationship around! Siblings… No one else can appreciate your family foibles like your siblings! And accept you for who you are.

Love you Darling Brother! 💞💕

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