Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 181



“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

Dr. Suess

Thanks, Spidey.

I’ll keep it simple.

Cherish every moment of your day, you never know when you’ll feel the need to revisit it…

Enjoying my precious last hours with my parents until I have to get back to my place…

Is there a particular moment which you cherish?

Have a peaceful Sunday Peeps ❤

#WritePhoto – Fallen

Sue’s #WritePhoto Prompt this week:

Let Sleeping Rocks Lie

“Shh! they look so peaceful. We can’t move them!” Bob surveyed the scene, and his gaze fastened upon the two large stones again.
“But what we gonna tell The Boss, Bob?” Dick knew The Boss wasn’t an easy man. He expected the site to be clear by tomorrow evening. There were big plans afoot for this plot of land he’d bought.
Luxury houses boasting a true view of nature – never mind how much of that nature they would have to destroy to create them.
“I dunno… there’s just something about them. It’s like they’re telling me submili- sulbimin-, oh you know, like they’re sending me messages not to touch them, or the stuff around them.” He looked at Dick. “Don’t you hear it?”
Dick stood, cocked his ear to one side, straining to hear anything. “Nah mate, all I hear is the sound of the bulldozers making their way over!”
“All I know is I can’t do it.” Bob took off his hardhat and made to walk off.
Soddom opened his eye and glanced over at Gomorrah. “Do you think it worked then?”
“I’ve been laying here for over nine hundred years. It’s not the first time they’ve tried to move us. It’ll not be the last. But the point is, we’re still here aren’t we?”
“And why was it again, that we couldn’t be moved?”
“Because, dear Soddom, we’re fallen angels, destined to lay in one place forever more.”
“But what would happen if we were?”
“I’m not about to try and find out. The last time we didn’t listen to Him, we went from beautiful cherubs to large lumps of rock. We lost our wings, our voices. At least time, and erosion, has given us some shape back. Goodness knows what He would do to us if we moved… Now do be quiet, you’re disturbing my beauty sleep!!




#WritePhoto – Ascent

Sue’s #WritePhoto Prompt this week:

Journeying up
Rising, flying, soaring
Pushing oneself, achieving goals

Ritu 2018




#WritePhoto – Splash!

Sue’s #WritePhoto Prompt this week:

Well, this photo sparked some memories!

Sashaying around the house, 11-year-old Ritu was so proud of the new boots her parents had bought her.
She felt so grown up, so in fashion – something she had rarely been in the past. Actually, the boots had been given to her a few weeks back, and she had debuted them at her school residential trip, at the disco, along with her rainbow coloured dress.
Oh yes, so on-trend was Ritu!
They were the boots of her dreams, grey suede pixie boots, with a slight slouch to them. Ritu had never owned something so ‘cool’!
Today, they were visiting some family, and she was looking forward to showing off the funky footwear.
It was a beautiful sunny day so Ritu, her brother and cousins were playing in the garden. The boys played football – obviously – and the girls wandered around chatting.
Stupid boys! They’d kicked the ball into the pond. Ritu couldn’t let the young ‘uns risk getting the ball out, so off she went, heroine extraordinaire, to rescue the situation.
Bending over she reached out to the middle of the pond to gently coax the ball towards the edge of the pond…
Even bigger SPLASH!
Ritu was sat in the pond, dripping wet, amongst the frogspawn… then she remembered her beautiful boots!

Based on a totally true event as I was growing up.

I never did wear them again, despite my mother doing some amazing rescue mission to make the boots wearable again… I just kept on smelling frog… (actually, I think I imagined a fishy smell that wasn’t really there…) Those poor boots… and poor me with frogspawn all over me!


Image result for grey suede pixie boots

They looked a bit like these boots!





#JusJoJan – January 5th, 2018 – Memories

Day five of #JusJoJan!

I’m going to try to write on each of the prompts!

Today the prompt is:

Your prompt for January 5th, 2018, brought to you by friendly “gender undefined female” (click to read the post) Cage Dunn, is “Memories.” Use it any way you’d like within your post. And make sure you visit Cage Dunn at her blog, “Cage Dunn: Writer, Autory, Teller-Of-Tall-Tales” to read her post and say hi!  😀 Here’s her link: https://cagedunn.wordpress.com/

Thanks, Cage, for a great prompt word!

You should see my house – heck you should see my parents house!

It’s a place those minimalists in you would be itching to declutter!

And believe me, both my mother and I have tried to declutter our respective homes many times. Sure we get rid of many bags and boxes of things, but there are still piles of ‘things’ that we can’t seen to let go of.

Because those ‘things’ that others may see as tat, or unnecessary clutter, are memories.

In the garage of my parents house, are boxes and bags full of items from my brothers and my childhood, and university years. There are boxes of books, films, paperwork, sports equipment, and old toys. Even cassette tapes that no one will ever listen to again!

But they won’t be tossed away recklessly.


My mum lovingingly goes thought boxes and keeps then in order for us to check out, and claim for our own memory chests.

My parents have has so many precious items from various members of our family, gifts from our grandparents who are no longer with us, photos of members of our family who passed away.

My brother and I do say to them to try and get rid of things. but deep down we are just as bad.

He’s lucky because, being in Finland, he is limited to the amount of stuff he can transport back there, but for me, all it takes is a boot-full and I have transported the memories to my house!

My home is a treasure trove of items. thousands of photos, real ones not digital, books, treasured pieces of clothing – all items which make me smile when I look at them.

My children love to look back on old things. They are getting to that age where our memories are of interest to them.

This past summer, when we went to visit my folks, the kids discovered the Cine projector! What a fun evening we had, looking back on these tiny reels of soundless film, showing their mummy and uncle as little tykes! Pops had more squirrelled away, which he couldn’t locate at the time, but there is promise of another evening, where we can revisit memories soon!

Now, having written this, and being still off sick, I may just go and wallow in old memories, checking out some of my old photos!

And no, you’ll never convince me to declutter… NEVER!!!!!

See you tomorrow!

If you want to find a full list of rules and the daily prompts visit here.


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