December 21 – Flash Fiction  – White Flowers

Charli’s prompt this week:

December 21, 2017 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) include white flowers in your story. This is a repeat prompt, but one that has an ability to be emotive. Humor, drama, irony — go wherever the white flowers lead.

December 21 Carrot Ranch Prompt @Charli_Mills

After reading Charli’s post, I felt the need to write something with a little sensitivity…


Arranging the ghajra in her hair, Hari allowed his eyes to drift over her form.
Meena looked as beautiful as she had, years before, on their wedding day.
As tradition states, she was dressed as a bride, ready to leave the house for the final time.
Hari had always bought her a fresh ghajra on his morning walk, and gently placed the fragrant white jasmine flowers around her hair bun.
The gesture made her smile, and she’d tease him about being an old romantic.
So, even today, on that journey to her funeral pyre, she lay, adored and adorned.

#SoCS Feb. 25/17 – How

Linda’s #SoCS prompt this week…

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “how.” Start your post with the word “How.” Bonus points if you end with it too. Enjoy!

I am attending my dear cousin’s funeral today… The following #SoCS entry is for him.

How will we get through today
When goodbye is the word we have to say?
Why did you have to leave us so?
Who told you it was your time to go?
What should we feel, sorrow or gladness
That you suffered little, but left us with this madness?
Where will you go, some place peaceful now?
I guess that you’ll let us know, somehow

Ritu 2017

RIP Manjit Virji

Peace be with your beautiful soul 😢

Daily Kind Quote

My dear sis Erika took something I said and made it into one of her quotes for the day. As I mentioned in her comments, it’s not strictly my quote, it’s a saying that has been around for aeons.
Today, maybe more than most it feels apt.
I am off soon on a long journey, to attend the funeral of my cousin who passed away last week.
Funerals are not lovely things to attend, by any means. They indicate the end. I don’t like to say goodbye… But then the silver lining part comes into play, as they can also be a celebration of someone’s life, if you let then be.
My cousin sister was a vibrant soul, always there to help everyone, with wacky health care and natural remedy solutions at hand all of the time, and a LOT of love to give to us all.
She lost her husband many years ago, and now she leaves 4 children, and grandchildren also. Although I know we shall miss her greatly, I feel happy knowing she will be reunited with her husband after all these years, and that she’ll be looking down on us, wishing the best for us at all times.
RIP Didi

My interactive peeps!