Doubling Up!

I have to confess… I have been oh so naughty these last few days! The Easter break always finds me with less willpower than at Christmas or the summer holidays for some reason!

I have been eating… and eating… and eating. When I want a snack, I am not reaching for the fruit bowl, or a yoghurt, as I have been doing, but rather the crisps, chocolates, ice creams, cakes… did I mention chocolate? And rather than having just one, I end up going back for a second helping!

It inspired a little poem from me today! Here’s to all of us who can’t help but snack! ( I’ll be back on my wagon once term starts. It’s not even worth me trying to be ‘good’ this holiday!)

This is getting serious
I don’t know what to do
For every time I have a snack
It’s never one, but two!

I went to get an ice cream
Didn’t realise the trouble
For after scoffing one
I needed more – Double!

Maple pecan plaits
You buy them in a pair
So I ate them both
I think that’s only fair!

At afternoon teatime
I make myself a brew
And if its not a pack of biscuits
I’ll have a scone – no, two!

With Easter coming it’s no fun
Chocolate everywhere
It would be rude not to eat,
And just sit and stare!

It’s not just sweets but savoury too
That seem to be coupling up
Wine, two glasses – not just one
And tea, ooh yes, another cup!

This doubling up is awful
I really shouldn’t indulge
After all my hard work
To shift my waistline bulge!

But then, I’m only human
Sometimes you gotta eat
And at my next weigh in
I promise I’ll not cheat

Instead, I’ll be good, I swear
I’ll get back to my routine
And then I’ll be posting about
How I got back to being lean!

Ritu 2017

Sonu Singh’s Stealth Snack Stealing Mission!

So after breakfast, someone was still hungry…


Aha! My snack cupboard!!

But he soon got discovered…


I wonder where to feed my hunger?



Oooh look! Mummy's breakfast!

Spying an opportunity!


Got it! Right... How do I open it?

Its hard to open wrappers with paws…!


It's ok! I have teeth!

I’ll just bite through!

Then he got caught, again!!
Poor Ole Sonu Singh… Anyone would think he doesn’t get food!

My interactive peeps!