Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 383 – Hope


“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”

John Green

Thank you. Spidey, for that reminder. I’ll keep it short and sweet, today.

It feels like the world is going to pot this year, in a different way.

First, the war in Ukraine, affecting the cost of living for everyone, then the resurgence of Covid, and now it feels like each nation is having a political crisis.

But, I choose to not lose hope.

So, what about you?


Wishing you a wonderfully peaceful Sunday, Peeps!

#TankaTuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 211, #Abhanga – Hope

Colleen’s Weekly Syllabic Poetry Challenge, this week with a litle twist. A new form, an Abhanga!

I had a go. Read on for my Hope filled verse.

 Strength in togetherness
 My heart is filled with hope
 The world needs to take note
 We CAN beat this 

Ritu 2021

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 306 – Sunshine Hopes


“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”


Oh, perfect, Spidey. And Winnie the Pooh and his friends never fail to provide quotes to make you think.

You’ve probbaly been fooled into thinking that Eeyore is that pessimistic character, who always searches out the doom and gloom, rather than the lighter side of life, but this quote proves otherwise.

A quote filled with hope, which is my word of the year.

It’s a take on the old, every cloud has a silver lining, isn’t it?

If we look hard enough, there is always a positive to pretty much any situation we find ourselves in. Granted, there arae times when it doesn’t seem possible, but when you look back on it, you might realise that glimmer of hope was always there, just waiting for you to realise it, and reach out and grab it.

I think you all pretty much know that I am that eternal optimist, and hope is always inside my heart.

Try and keep it in yours, too.

So… tell me, do you believe in silver linings?

Bitmoji Image

Have a peaceful Sunday Peeps.   

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 304 – Anything Is Possible 2021


“Once you choose hope, anything is possible.”

Christopher Reeve

Thank you, Spidey, for finding a perfect quote that ties in with my WOTY! (Word Of The Year)

Definitely a motto I choose to live by.

Such truth.

Which is why I never lose hope.

Things may be going crazy around you, but sometimes, you just have to cling to the hope that they might just get better.

Though, I must add, more often than not, it’s not just hope that helps change to occur. You have to be kinda proactive with your actions, too!

So… tell me, are you hopeful for our future?

Bitmoji Image

Have a peaceful Sunday Peeps.   

2021 – Word Of The Year

Well, that was a year we all were kinda glad to see the back of, wasn’t it?

Bye 2020!

2020 dumpster fire

Still, it wasn’t all that bad, was it?

I’ve carried on my new tradition from the last few New Year’s Days, of choosing a word of the year.

2019 was Self, and I really embraced that, making sure I took time out for me, ensured self care was a key part of my life,

2020, I chose Believe. It was all about strengthening that belief in myself, that I could achieve my goals and dreams, and also, feed my belief, spiritually, too.

I admit I had wobbles, especially since the pandemic hit, but, when I look back, I realise I have actually done a lot more towards that word, than I thought!

I did believe in myself, and I published that book. I wrote a good 50K words on the second, which was no mean feat considering being in school during this crazy time.

Spiritually, the more frequent temple visits didn’t happen, due to Covid-19, but my beliefs have not wavered.

Unfortunately, that belief that I would get healthy didn’t quite work… I started walking lots in the summer, when the original lockdown happened, but since we’ve been back at school, and the weather has changed, that hasn’t happened, and a lot of food has been consumed… put it this way, I don’t need a cushion to get cosy on a chair, right now!

And now, here we are in 2021. What would suit my feelings? What will help me achieve a better Ritu?

After not too much thinking, a word stood out. One that I think is really important to have in all our lives, and it is this:

Yes, Hope.

Inside, I have that hope, that things will get better.

I hope that I have the time and energy to keep writing.

I hope to finish that first draft, and have my novella ready for a reader magnet. (Well, I need that, not hope to do it, so I can send it to newsletter subscribers!)

Another hope, is that I can cope with the responsibilities of this new job role, and that I make it to the end of the academic year, successfully, especially considering I am stepping back into it in a couple of days with another set of enforced home learning for a while… not sure how long for, either!

Oh, and I do hope I can work out a healthy, happy balance with exercise, and food!

And, I hope we finally find our forever home, and by this time next year, I’ll be typing my post in a totally different place!

Believe will stay with me, after all we are ever evolving, and improving ourselves, as will Self.

But Hope will be the big one!

happy 2021

So, my dear Peeps, do you have a word for the year? What are your goals, plans, hopes or dreams for 2020?

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