Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 116


“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” – John Maxwell

What a great quote that Spidey found for me to muse upon this morning!

This speaks so much to me, especially after all the mindset training we have had at school recently.

It’s all about the way you look at things, isn’t it?

So you have all heard the old adage, ‘You win some you lose some.’

The initial quote by John Maxwell is a much more positive way of looking at a situation that didn’t quite work out.

Yes. There are times you lose.

But is losing really a bad thing?

Winning or succeeding is always going to be the goal we strive for, but seeing a situation not reach that goal doesn’t necessarily mean you have to see it as losing or a loss.

Whatever went wrong should be seen as a lesson learned. A way to improve for next time.

Not a negative thought, but a positive reaction to do better next time.

It’s not that we can’t do it, it’s more that we can’t do it yet.


That is one of the key words in fostering a growth mindset.

Yes there are things that we can’t do, but if we remain positive and open minded, seeing failures as learning opportunities then we know that we can’t do it yet.

One day we will get there!

So Peeps, enjoy your Sunday and embrace any opportunity to try that ‘thing’ you can’t do yet. Keep trying and you’ll get there!

#SoCS Mar. 4/17 – Project

Linda’s #SoCS prompt for this week…

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “project.” Use it as a verb, a noun, or both. Have fun!

I think after the incident that happened to me last week give me a fair reason to be scared. A decent reason to feel like I shouldn’t do certain stuff again. A valid point made that cars can be dangerous.

But do I allow an isolated incident to colour my future?

After all, I am lucky enough to be here after the accident. Fortunate to be walking around and to still have a vehicle at my disposal.

Do I feel scared? Nervous? Panicky?


Will I let these feelings dictate how I live my life?


Yes, I do have fears. Flash backs occur at the slightest trigger, like when the wind was blowing. The thought of the car veering off the road, possibly because of a gust of wind panicked me so much? Driving by the site of the accident was surreal. Getting behind the wheel could have been really tough.

But no. I am not going to allow my fears to dictate my life. And I am not going to project those fears onto my children.

I made a choice, after the collision with a motorway central reservation barrier, that I would get back behind the wheel. I chose to try and get over the scene that runs through my mind several times a day, of my car spinning round and round into the oncoming traffic, so that the children don’t ever feel worried when in the car with me.

I need them to understand that accidents do happen, even to the most careful drivers. As someone said to me “That’s why they’re called ‘accidents’. You don’t plan them. If they were planned they would be called ‘on purposes’.”

I want them to be the kind of people who are able to get back on the horse after falling off, without fear.

I hope that they don’t think of incidents like this as a failure of sorts, but instead an opportunity to do better next time. We are learning all the time, and this accident was a learning curve for me too.

I guess when you think of it like this, it is all about the fixed vs. growth mindset thinking. I could shut down, convinced I would be in many more accidents, so that’s it. No cars or driving for me. Or I treat it like a lesson, and get back into that driving seat, take it easy, and keep going with life as I was before, thinking positively.

You see the way I react to incidents that occur in my life, project a kind of standard of reaction onto those around me. If I want the kids to be strong, resilient people, I need to be that too.

But equally, I need to makes sure I don’t overdo things too quickly too. I may be Supermum in their eyes but I am no Superwoman really. I need recovery time, and they need to see that, so they understand there are also times in life when it;s okay to take a step back, recuperate, then get on with living.

As long as I stay positive, I think  I’ll project the right emotions, that will allow them to be able to handle situations like this in a positive manner too.

And there you have it… My Stream of Consciousness this morning, pure and unadulterated!

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 90


“It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up.” – Vince Lombardi

Life has a way of throwing some pretty tough punches in your direction. Sometimes those hits can really wind you.

How you deal with those hits, now that is a matter only you can decide upon.

You could curl up into a little ball, feel sorry for yourself, licking your wounds, and make a decision that you can’t get up again, losing the battle.

Or you could take stock of what happened, and plan a strategy where you get up, and fight back. Show the world you’re stronger than that.

I’ve said this before but I do firmly believe that though it may not feel it at the time, He only throws the punches he knows we can deal with because He knows of our inner strength. It’s up to us to find the inner strength to get past whatever barrier is keeping us down.

Seriously, look back on your life I am sure you can pinpoint tough times, downward spirals, where you thought that nothing would ever get better.

Now take a look at yourself now.

You are still here.

You are still standing.

You got through it.

See, He knew you could do it, now keep that faith in yourself alive too!

Have a wonderful Sunday Peeps, and Spidey and I will be back next week!

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 88


“It never gets easier, you just get better” – Unknown

What a great thought!


It sure tests us, and I think we all know that those simple days of childhood were a breeze, compared to the trials and tribulations of adulthood. Dealing with studies, then jobs, relationships and families. What we wouldn’t give to go back to those days…

But then if you did, you’d find that those days were just as hard. Because you hadn’t grown up yet. Learning to share your toys, finding out that broccoli isn’t actually that bad, knowing that reading a few pages of Topsy and Tim isn’t actually a tough homework task… You don’t know that then, but for a child, those are the world’s biggest problems!

But we all overcome them. We become good at these skills, and we develop as humans over the years. Those childhood struggles hardly seem worth worrying about, but at that time, they were biggies for you!

Each age brings a new set of difficulties, which we trundle through, feeling like they may be the end of the world, but actually, they aren’t because when the next stage of life arrives bringing its new worries, you realise you had it good before.

The reality is that you learned to deal with the struggles that were bringing you down, and Life knew you could do it, so they chucked you another bunch of difficulties to wind your way through.

And Life knows you can get through this set too.

I’m a firm believer in the thought that God only throws you what He knows you can deal with. You just have to find the strength within to deal with it, and you’ll come out the other end stronger, wiser and happier.

 So today, look at whatever difficulty you may be facing,and know you can get through it. Have faith in yourself. I have faith in you too!

Happy Sunday Peeps 😊


Tuesday Thoughts


After the silliness of yesterday, with the email fiasco, I went to bed mentally exhausted, tired, I just want to get things back to normal!

So, I have emailed them, again this morning, hopefully they can sort stuff out for me, and today will be a better day!

My pupils will be trying to stay on their own for an hour without parents too, I am anticipating screaming, crying, and from a few, nonchalance…may need my earplugs today!

So have a positive day Peeps! Remember it’s a fresh start!

Happy Tuesday!

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