Three Ingredient Puffy Paint

You know me, I’m a teacher, and an Early Years teacher at that.

This means a lot of hands-on sensory activities to develop and stimulate young minds, and lots of chances for me to experiment with great arts and crafts ideas I find on the interweb!

This week, we tried out Puffy Paint!

Puffy Paint

Literally, three ingredients!

  • PVA/white/school glue
  • White shaving foam
  • Food colouring

And some containers and old lolly sticks to stir.

  1. All you need to do is pour some glue in a pot and add approximately the equal amount of shaving foam to it. I used around 2 tablespoons of glue then squirted the shaving foam in.
  2. Use the lolly stick to fold these two ingredients together, as if folding sugar into egg whites. You don’t want to lose the air in the foam.
  3. Once at the required consistency, add a few drops of food colouring, and mix again.

And there you have it!

I made up 8 pots, including a white one, and the kids loved it!

You can use a brush to blob the paint on paper or card, then once completed, leave to dry, overnight preferably, to get a wonderfully textured finish that is soft and spongy to touch!

The children really enjoyed the different feel of the paint, and they were intrigued by my sample painting, with these foam-like areas that were soft to touch.

They are so excited to be able to take their works of art home after the weekend!

Fine Art Friday – Music and Sketches

The other day, I was going through my bedside cabinet drawers. They are fit to bursting, and something had fallen down the back, preventing the drawers from closing fully.

Instead of dislodging the offending item, closing the drawer, and getting back to whatever I was meant to be doing, I started a reminisce.

The bottom drawer is full of musical song-books.

Ones I helped to create.

During my teenage years, we had lots of family weddings, and my cousins and I decided we wanted to learn some of the traditional songs and dances so, going forward, we could continue the traditions. Of course, though I can speak and understand Punjabi, I cannot read or write it.

So came the fun job of trying to write it in Roman English, Phonic Punjabi!

And my ‘book’ was very popular within the family. For my own wedding, I typed and printed several copies which ended up in the far-flung corners of the world! This resulted in a few reproduced fancy copies being made, and adapted over the years!


The top left one was my original one, then my cousins printed them ‘offically’ for use at their weddings

And from my little idea there were off-shoots! My mum collects them whenever she goes to a wedding and sees them, then gives them to me!



Some of the ‘spin-offs’!

And also, as I dug deeper into the drawer, I found a whole heap of printed out Bollywood song lyrics! Cue a good hour of me sitting on the floor, surrounded by books, and paper, crooning to myself, hoping I wasn’t waking the children! (Don’t ask me to sing, because you know me, I probably would break out into song with not much encouragement!)

Then I came across a sketchbook from my GCSE years. I didn’t take Art as a subject, but I always enjoyed doodling and came across these pictures.



Palm tree paradise? Yes, please!



No, it’s not a self-portrait! I was never allowed a fringe growing up, I rebelled and had one cut in my late 30’s!


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I think this may haveΒ been inspired by the Ball we had in my final year at school, which I didn’t go to!


So there you have it! Ritu’s Artwork, and Musical Endeavours!!!!

Have a great Friday Night Peeps!




#SoCS July 30/16 – Art

Linda’s prompt

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: β€œart.” Write a post regarding β€œart,” be it an object or a name. Note: I’m not asking you to draw something, but if you’d like to, we’d love to see that too! Enjoy!

So tonight I am suffering from a real headache… I think it is a side effect of this detox tea I am drinking… sorry, TMI, but bad tummy all day followed by headache from hell, not great!

And during this suffering of mine, I had to accompany my mother in law to a special ladies afternoon. It is a time of year called Teeyan, celebrated in Punjab, when women, old and young, married or single, get together back in their villages, and enjoy time with no one there to stop them. They sing, dance, eat, chat, and enjoy the time with their friends and cousins.

We were encouraged to let our hair down, sort of ” what goes on tour, stays on tour” kinda thing! That meant, for many of the elder ladies, to dance, unashamedly, and sing slightly raucous songs, or tell dirty jokes… all was forgiven today!

What does this have to do with art? I can hear you…

There is art involved, from the singing and dancing, to the pretty hairstyles lovingly crafted by the women.

But one form of art I had to mention was the henna painting. Lil Princess was dying to have her hands decorated with henna, so I managed to take some photos of the Henna Artist in action, and the finished result, along with my hand too!


There you have it.Β ART!

SoCS badge 2015

Firework Art

Seeing as it was Bonfire, or Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th November, I attempted some firework art with my dear nursery lovelies!


We used cardboard tubes, scissors, a spikey plastic ball, fluorescent paint, glitter and black paper!

First the children feather cut the ends of their cardboard tubes, and flattened them out to make a flower-like effect. Voila! They made their own stampers!

These stampers were pressed into some paint.


These were then used as stampers and they printed imaginary fireworks on a black ‘sky! To create another way to make marks, they rolled the plastic balls in the paint then either dropped them on the paper, or rolled them around onΒ it to make other firework like marks!


This one was mine, that was created in front of the children as an example.

A little glitter at the end while the paint was still wet ensured a sparkly firework display picture!

If only I could show you photos of them actually doing it, I would, but alas I am not allowed! But they made wonderful paintings!

FFF #18 – Writing’s On The Wall

It’s been a while, but finally Matt, our very own Book Blogger is back with his 18th Flash Fiction challenge, also known as theΒ Flash Fiction Foray!

What the lovely Matt usually does, is give us a song to work with, as inspiration, and our job is to create a 100 word flash fiction masterpiece, which we post, and ping back to him!

Well the inspiration for today is the new Bond Theme by Sam Smith, Writing’s On The Wall.

And as it is the week of Halloween, I have allowed my mind to wander to the creepy side…!

They looked around the shabby room… no real clues here. Detective Inspector Walsh stepped into the hallway. β€œI don’t know what to think, really.” he murmered. There appeared to be no sign of any recent life here, yet the neighbours had been complaining of loud banging and shouting, scraping and screaming, over the last few nights.

Just then PC Brown called out β€œI think you’re gonna want to see this sir.” DI Walsh turned back into the room. A large piece of wallpaper lay, partly pulled off the wall, and there, alongside what looked like bloody scratch marks, were words…

I hope you liked my little effort!

To take part, visit Matt’s blog here.


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